Instructions for burning downloaded wma files to audio CD.

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A number of people have reported difficulties burning the wma (windows media audio) files to CD.

This can be accomplished quite easily and without specialised software provided you have the latest version of Windows Media Player.

Windows Media Player can be downloaded from:

The process can be completed in 5 steps:


Open Windows Explorer and browse to the folder where you have saved the downloaded files. Select the files you wish to burn to audio CD. To do this click once on the top file in the list and then whilst holding down the "shift" key click once on the bottom file in the list. The files will then be highlighted. They should look something like this:


Right click (you know - with the right mouse button!) on the highlighted files and on the menu that then appears choose "Copy to CD or Device". It should look like this:


When you click on "Copy to CD or device", Windows Media Player will open in CD copy mode and your files should already be loaded. It should look something like this:

The files might not be in the order you want. You should drag each file to the correct position in the list bearing in mind that the top file will become track 1 the next one down track 2 etc.


In the drive selection area on the right hand side of Windows Media Player you should select the drive letter for your CD writer and under it "Audio CD". In my case I am using drive F, but your CD writer could well be a different drive letter. It should look like this:


Finally, having ensured that you have a blank CDR disk in your CD writer, click on the red "Copy" button as indicated by my crude white arrow!

That's it folks! Windows Media Player will now take over and in a few minutes will spit out a CD that can be played in a standard audio CD player, in the car, in a walkman etc.